Introduction of Fluorescent Lamp Recycling Plant (SSS type)
Introduction of the complete system of Fluorescent Lamp Recycling Plant
End cutter and crusher
![Straight-tube fluorescent lamp end cutter and crusher](images/ryotan.jpg)
Straight-tube fluorescent lamp cutter
Mixer-type powder separator
![Fluorescent lamp powder separator](images/mikisa.jpg)
Fluorescent lamp powder separator
Magnetic ore separator, sorter/grader (preprocessing)
![Magnetic separator, grader and sorter](images/senbetu.jpg)
Glass particle size classifier and metal separator/collector
Manual cutter and crusher
![Straight-tube fluorescent lamp end cutter and crusher](images/tesagyou.jpg)
Cutter for bulb-type or compact and circular-type fluorescent lamps, mercury lamps, and special-purpose fluorescent lamps
Environment-conscious dust collector (preprocessing)
![Environment-conscious dust collector](images/syujin.jpg)
Dust collector
![March22 fluorescent lamp powder mercury recovery equipment](images/marchi22.jpg)
Mercury collector to recover mercury from fluorescent lamp powder
Multiple cutter
![Fluorescent lamp multiple cutter and crusher](images/maruchi.jpg)
incandescent bulbs, dirty fluorescent lamps, and others
March21 Mercury Recovery Equipment
![March21 Mercury recovery system](images/marchi21.jpg)
A device to recover mercury from fluorescent lamp glass and metals